December 20, 2004
ECIS proposes compromise language for Article
6a of proposed Directive on computer implemented inventions
Interoperability is of crucial importance to preserve choice for
European consumers between competing offerings, and to preserve
the equality of opportunity that the European IT sector needs to
flourish. CII patents are desirable to foster innovation in Europe,
but if patents could be used to prevent software vendors from developing
new programs that can communicate with other programs used by the
customers, users may find themselves locked into buying programs
from one vendor. To avoid stifling innovation and reducing user
freedom of choice, the members of ECIS believe that an interoperability
exception is needed.
The European Parliament in first reading adopted
an Article 6a which took this concern into account. However, some
have considered the Parliament's text to be overly broad, potentially
effectively eviscerating the rights of the patent right holder.
ECIS' compromise proposal for Article 6a addresses
the interoperability concern by providing a narrow exception permitting
the use of patented technology to the extent indispensable for the
development and sale of products that interoperate with the product
protected by the patented technology or with other products. It
is a limited, well-defined and clear exception to the exclusive
rights of patent owners, striking a proper balance between the legitimate
interests of patent rights owners and third parties, including both
third-party software developers and end-users. ECIS is presenting
its proposal to the European institutions for considerations.