Community patent and litigation system must offer high quality, balanced protection and legal certainty

ECIS submitted comments to the European Commission on the Community patent and EU patent judiciary system. As ECIS points out in its comments, a Community patent system worth adopting must be balanced, ensure high quality patents and judicial decisions, and be reliable and ensure legal certainty to all interested parties. PDF download.

ECIS calls for a balanced EU IPR strategy

In its comments on the Communication from the European Commission about “An Industrial Property Rights Strategy for Europe” ECIS calls on the EU to guard against increasing intellectual property protection as a purpose in and of itself as opposed to a means to an end, namely increased innovation and greater welfare for society. More here.

Draft European Interoperability Framework (EIF) v2.0 recognises importance of interoperability in European eGovernment

In its comments submitted to the European Commission, ECIS notes that EIF 2.0, if adopted and implemented, would make a significant contribution to encouraging openness and genuine interoperability across borders and software applications used in European eGovernment. The Draft recognises interoperability as a key means to promote efficient pan-European Government Services (“PEGS”). ECIS supports these […]

Microsoft continues to defy anti-trust rulings on both sides of the Atlantic

Microsoft continues to resist compliance with binding anti-trust rulings in both the US and the EU. In the latest development, yesterday the US Federal District Court in Washington heard evidence confirming that after four years Microsoft has still not yet fully complied with its legal obligations under its 2003 Consent Decree with the US Department […]

ECIS: it is standard industry practice to offer interoperability information royalty-free

Brussels – 23 April 2007 – “It is standard industry practice to license interoperability information royalty-free,” said Simon Awde, Chairman of the European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS). “We therefore view Microsoft’s statement today urging the Commission to provide greater clarity on the royalties that the company can charge, as just another example of its […]