Samuelson/Vinje/Cornish EIPR article on the SAS case now available on SSRN

This article argues that competition and innovation in the software industry in the European Union will be seriously undermined if the Court of Justice of the European Union in SAS Institute, Inc v World Programming Ltd holds that copyright protection for computer programs extends to the functional behaviour of computer programs, to programming languages and […]

ECIS Symposium on the SAS v WPL Copyright case

On 1 December ECIS celebrated its birthday with a seminar on a key copyright case to be decided by the European Union’s highest court, the Court of Justice.  The seminar was held two days after an Advocate General’s opinion was released on the case, SAS vs. WPL, C-406/10.  Below please find a complete audio presentation, […]

European Commission milestones toward a digital future

ECIS encouraged by European Commission embrace of an open digital future Three milestones reached in 2010 The European Commission has taken steps for important changes in information and communications technology (ICT) designed to make it quicker and easier for businesses and individuals to obtain government services, benefits, and documents across the European Union. ECIS believes […]

ECIS Statement on EIF v 2.0

ECIS calls for end to the frustration of interoperability by those who are lobbying for a version of EIF that is less favourable to openness and interoperability than EIF version 1. Read more here. Read the EIF here.

ECIS asks others join with Europe to offer browser choice

ECIS calls on competition agencies around the world to give their consumers the benefit of browser choice, which will spur competition and improve the Web experience for all. A statement made on behalf of ECIS is available here.