International trade needs an international Cloud

We read with interest the European Commission’s Memo of 15 October on secure Cloud computing services in Europe, and entirely agree that the “fundamental principle at stake is the need to look beyond borders”. We strongly endorse its opposition to building a “Fortress Europe.” As more and more commerce moves to the Internet, consumers and […]

Video: Bringing the Cloud down to Earth

Bringing the Cloud down to Earth ECIS symposium 24 April 2013Sofitel Europe, Place Jourdan 1, Brussels The European Committee for Interoperable Systems sponsored a symposium to look at some of the pressing issues of inter-operability for the collection of technologies called the cloud. The videos below feature a keynote speech by Michail Bletsas, director of […]

EU General Court reduces Commission fine on Microsoft by 4 per cent – Press statement

Statement regarding EU General Court case T-167/08: Brussels, 27 June 2012 – “The European Committee for Interoperable Systems is pleased that the court essentially upheld the Commission’s actions regarding Microsoft, making only a 4 percent adjustment in the fine,” said ECIS spokesman Thomas Vinje. “Of course, today’s decision in no way changes the remedies or […]


INTRODUCTION ECIS is dedicated to assuring competition in information and communications technology that helps consumers and users and promotes innovation For more than 20 years, ECIS has sought to shape government policies and practices which promote interoperability and open standards. In the coming year, ECIS will focus especially on: ASSURING OPENNESS IN CLOUD COMPUTING The […]

ECIS statement on the examination procedure re recognition of ICT specifications developed by industry fora and consortia

On June 1 2011, the European Commission proposed a Regulation on European Standardisation, according to which ICT technical specifications developed by industry fora and consortia such as W3C, Oasis and IETF may be recognised in the EU, and be referenced in public procurement procedures. The decision for the recognition of such ICT technical specifications will be […]