ECIS: European Commission takes right approach to nurturing digital growth

ECIS European Commission takes right approach to nurturing digital growth Digital Single Market report right to encourage free data flow across borders Restrictions on data flows or regionalised standards could cripple Europe’s competitiveness Caution should be exercised on new regulations, which could limit freedom to innovate Brussels, 6 May 2015 – The European Commission wants […]

ECIS report: Careless choice of cloud provider adds big costs later

Wrong choice now runs up huge costs later Interoperability, standards needed for benefit of business and government Open approach is vital to avoid lock-in and facilitate vendor switching BRUSSELS, 12 November – Government and businesses should act with care in choosing a cloud provider or may face big switching costs, according to a report that […]

Cloud Computing Standards and Interoperability: How to avoid lock-in in a cloud environment

When? Thursday 13 November 2014, 3 pm to 6 pm followed by a reception Where? Sofitel Brussels Europe, Place Jourdan 1, 1040 Brussels The European Committee for Interoperable Systems invites you to its annual symposium, this year presenting its white paper on the benefits of standards and interoperability among cloud providers, which is intended to […]

ECIS welcomes European public procurement based on open standards

ECIS welcomes European public procurement based on open standards ECIS welcomes the European Commission’s recognition of open standards developed by global fora and consortia for reference in public procurement. In the past, standards developed by global consortia organized on the basis of open and transparent principles, such as the World Wide Web Consortiusm (W3C) and […]

Caution: Change ahead * Updating copyright law to keep pace with technology

Introduction The European Commission is pondering ways to update copyright law so it keeps pace with technology, but this will be a delicate task and the first order of business must be to preserve what works well. Today the law successfully balances interests of copyright holders with those of innovators. For example, software makers may […]