Interoperability is of crucial importance to preserve choice for European consumers between competing offerings, and to preserve the equality of opportunity that the European IT sector needs to flourish. CII patents are desirable to foster innovation in Europe, but if patents could be used to prevent software vendors from developing new programs that can communicate […]
The European Commission has released a working document which reviews existing EU copyright legislation and in which the Commission makes suggestion for amendments to the existing rules. As regards the 1991 Software Directive’s provisions on decompilation, the Commission suggests that these do not require amendment: “( Decompilation) The objective of Article 6 on decompilation is […]
The European Commission has issued a Decision finding that Microsoft Corporation infringed European Union competition law by leveraging its near monopoly in the market for PC operating systems (OS) onto the markets for work group server operating systems by refusing to make available interface information and on the market for media players by tying Windows […]
ECIS urges the European Commission to incorporate a provision in the forthcoming Software Patents Directive Proposal safeguarding the ability to create interoperable programs in the interest of competition on the merits and consumer choice.
The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Directive on the protection by patents of computer-implemented inventions. The proposal would not allow patents to be granted for computer programs as such or business methods. Article 6 expressly preserves the application of the provisions on decompilation and interoperability in Directive 91/250/EEC: “Acts permitted under Directive […]