ECIS is an Interested Party in the European Commission’s legal proceedings concerning Microsoft, and will give evidence supporting the Commission during next week’s Hearing before the European Court of First Instance pursuant to Microsoft’s appeal of the Commission Decision of March 2004. The European Commission’s March 2004 Decision intends to put an end to a […]
The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) will present its arguments before the European Court of First Instance (CFI) in support of the European Commission and its 24 March 2004 Decision finding Microsoft abused its overwhelmingly dominant position in PC operating systems by preventing interoperability by refusing to provide interface information and tying Windows Media […]
The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) has filed comments on the Commission’s consultation on future patent policy in Europe. In its submission, ECIS advocates a patent policy that is based on the fostering of competition and innovation for the benefit of consumers, accomplished by ensuring appropriate standards of patentability and examination, as well as […]
Brussels, 29 March 2006: The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) will give evidence as an Interested Party in the European Commission Hearing on Microsoft’s compliance with the Commission’s anti-trust Decision of March 2004 that begins tomorrow in Brussels. In that Decision, the Commission found Microsoft to have abused its dominant position in client PC […]
The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) has joined the Open Document Format Alliance (ODF Alliance). The ODF Alliance works globally to educate policymakers, IT administrators and the public on the benefits and opportunities of the OpenDocument Format, to help ensure that government information, records and documents are accessible across platforms and applications, even as […]